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Brig. Gen. (Retd.) Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain

Director Medical Services & Managing Director (Acting)
Ahsania Mission Cancer & General Hospital, Uttara


Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R), a pioneering social reformer and educator from Nalta Sharif, Satkhira of undivided Bengal, was instrumental in establishing the Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) nonprofit organization in 1958 to provide social welfare services to the mass population. In continuation of his philanthropic legacy, Kazi Rafiqul Alam, the current President of DAM founded the Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital (AMCGH) to deliver cancer treatment and general medical services to people of all financial standings. Prioritizing to provide world-class healthcare facilities, it was formally inaugurated by Sheikh Hasina, the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, in 2014. Now, with this hospital's nearly one decade of service in the healthcare sector of Bangladesh, I feel great pride in sharing its growth in quality healthcare services with you..

At AMCGH, we are firm and resolute in our vision to ensure quality, compassionate, and affordable healthcare by promoting ethical professional services and maintaining a dignified environment for the staff, patients, and their families. We strive to advance healthcare, with an emphasis on cancer treatment, by offering early diagnostic services and raising awareness among people about cancer prevention. Besides, we also focus on improving the quality of life for those with cancer through support, rehabilitation, and palliative care. In addition to treating cancer, we are also at the forefront of providing general medical care to patients, with 30% of all our facilities reserved for free treatment for underprivileged patients.

We have a highly qualified and dedicated team of physicians, nurses, and support staff committed to delivering healthcare solutions in a caring and healing environment. Our renowned consultants from various departments and state-of-the- art medical facilities and equipment make AMCGH one of the leading hospitals in Bangladesh. We are continuously expanding the practice to meet the growing needs of our patient population. Besides, to nurture and shape the next generation of medical practitioners, Ahsania Mission Medical College (AMMC) embarked on its journey in 2022. AMCGH serves as the teaching hospital for the students of AMMC, which provides them with the space to ignite their imagination and inspire them to dedicate themselves to this noble profession of serving humanity. On behalf of the hospital administration, I offer you all my sincere blessings for your future academic and professional pursuits.