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Biochemistry is the science of life. All our life processes—walking, talking, moving, and feeding are essentially chemical reactions. So, biochemistry is actually the chemistry of life, and it’s supremely interesting. The Department of Biochemistry seeks to understand the chemical structures and processes that constitute health and disease, which form the foundation of the basic medical sciences. Headed by a Professor, Biochemistry Department consists with Asso. Professor, Asst. Professor, Lecturers, Lab Technicians and Others support Staffs. The department is thus organized to teach students about basic knowledge of life processes depending on chemical principles, performing and interpreting biochemical laboratory tests and procedures, and requisite knowledge for higher studies and research. The teaching methodology involves theoretical lectures, tutorials, and practical demonstrations with well equipped lab facilities.

Faculty members

Associate Professor, Biochemistry

Assistant Professor, Biochemistry

Lecturer, Biochemistry

Lecturer, Biochemistry